
Seaside Senior Portrait Session

The Class of 2020 had an especially challenging spring as classes, parties and senior traditions were sidelined because of Covid-19. These North Carolina girls managed to enjoy some “we did it!” moments and quarantined together on the Isle of Palms for a last hurrah. It was such a pleasure commemorating their high school friendships with a seaside senior session. Best of luck to these ladies as they settle into their colleges around the country. The future is bright!

Senior portraits by the sea with group of friends quarantined during Covid.
High School Besties | Class of 2020
Senior portraits by the beach by Carolina Photosmith. Vibha.
Senior portraits on the beach near Charleston. Almost famous. 
© Carolina Photosmith 2020
Senior portraits seaside by Isle of Palms pier. 
© Carolina Photosmith 2020

School days have certainly looked different in 2020, but reach out to book your Charleston senior portrait session. The more the merrier! Seas the day, y’all.